Oxford University Professor John Stein on the higher levels of creative talent amongst dyslexics

Oxford University Professor John Stein on the higher levels of creative talent amongst dyslexics

"Dyslexia is actually a gift because it gives you talents that other people don't have."

In this video from Dyslexia International, Prof John Stein explains from a scientific point of view how people with dyslexia have an above average creative talent.

Stein describes how highly intelligent dyslexic individuals (Einstein included) always found it difficult to work things out sequentially (like basic arithmetic), yet those same people could see patterns in things that most other people couldn't see (e.g. in advanced maths theory).

Share this video with individuals who are still trying to come to terms with the positives of being dyslexic - yes positives.


I believe this is another argument to support my view that one of the biggest reasons neurodiverse individuals struggle, particularly in education, is that neurotypical people keep trying to force neurodiverse people to look at the world how they do.

Paul Johnson

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