The gifts of dyslexia: a very positive take on cognitive differences

The gifts of dyslexia: a very positive take on cognitive differences

This TEDx talk discusses how physical differences in the brain lead to cognitive strengths in seeing patterns and bringing things together. These strengths make dyslexics naturally talented entrepreneurs, engineers, architects and artists.

There is a cost to these talents. Bragonier covers the things dyslexics, like himself, struggle with. This leads many to be told they are lazy, and for many individuals with dyslexia to feel stupid. The next logical step they make in school is to associate with people who do have learning difficulties and are not interested in learning.

This is a well-balanced and informative video that should be shared with anyone who wants to understand what it is like to be dyslexic.

Paul Johnson

Oxford University Professor John Stein on the higher levels of creative talent amongst dyslexics

Oxford University Professor John Stein on the higher levels of creative talent amongst dyslexics

What it is like to date someone who is autistic

What it is like to date someone who is autistic